Monday, July 23, 2007


Finally!!!! i have WIRELESS INTERNET!.. i'm telling you it's annoying to have to have my laptop connected for such a lon time you can't do nothing... you got to be siting in one place only... but now i have it and i'm happy! =) (LOL). Ok This is my 1st Blog.. soo i didn't know what to talk about... But i did what i could... let's see it's still summer but (weirdly) i am anxcious to start school again.. i guess being home for soo long is taking a toll on me. A thing you should know about me is that i write and i write alot i love wiriting down my thoughts.. it's like releasing your thoughts. I usually don't share them with anyone but since i got this blogger i really think i should start letting out my feelings in public.

Much love
